The City of Kings: Ancient Allies Yanna + Kuma expansion Set TCOK015
The City of Kings: Ancient Allies Yanna + Kuma expansion Set TCOK015
This is a City of Games TCOK015 Ancient Allies: Yanna + Kuma expansion set for use with The City of Kings board game. (This is not a Stand Alone game - you must own City of Kings to use this expansion).
Character Pack 1 introduces 2 new playable heroes and a 3 story adventure which can be played alongside, or after the core storyline.
Yanna Stormtree: Yanna shares her skill tree with Ekka, introducing pets to The City of Kings. Send Ekka to explore, fetch items or team up to perform powerful attacks!
Kuma, the Old: Prowl around the world sneak past creatures, collect quests, and try to find balance, as Kuma’s health is tied directly to his skills.
Yanna Stormtree and Kuma, the Old introduce advanced characters and pets to The City of Kings adding new ways to customize your characters as you play through a new adventure.