Spax-Stix Ultimate Mirror Chrome Lexan/Polycarbonate Body Paint SZX10000
Spax-Stix Ultimate Mirror Chrome Lexan/Polycarbonate Body Paint SZX10000
Mirror Chrome
Lexan Paint
This is the Spaz-Stix SZX10000 Mirror Chrome Lexan Pint. It comes in a 2 oz bottle. To use this paint, you will need to spray it on using an airbrush at 15 psi. Apply 3 or more *VERY* light even coats until you get the amount of reflection you desire. It is recommended that you back this with water based flat black paint (We recommend Parma FasBlack). You can get different results using different # of coats and different color backing. This is for use on Lexan (Polycarbonate) R/C Car & truck bodies. Ultimate Mirror Chrome? is specially formulated for use with Lexan plastic bodies. The reflective properties of the paint make your hobby project stand out, whether you are racing your RC Stock Car around an oval or building a replica model of '68 Ford Mustang. With a mirror on your hobby project, you will always be able to look at it and see the reflection of its painter!